One of the reasons why a subscription to The Pillar is essential reading (Archbishop Gomez is another).

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I watched Cardinal Mullers lecture but I didn't note what point it was that he spoke of liberation theology unfortunately... but it seemed that he endorsed it going forward. Am I remembering rightly? I know that Pope Francis has cleared the way for Archbishop Romero's elevation to Sainthood and I'm wondering if we have been unjustly poisoned against liberation theology in the past?

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Well I certainly never thought I'd see Peter Singer referenced at The Pillar of all places, but it was an important point, well expressed. I appreciate the time and energy invested by both Mr. Camosy and the good Cardinal in articulating the sources and expressions of the attacks on human dignity seen in our society today; in identifying them so clearly, it becomes easier to counteract such efforts in our own lives, and witness against them by our words and actions.

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