Good article. Thanks for the warning about what is to come next.

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Great, clear, unambiguous explanation. Thank you!

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This is abundantly clarifying. Well worth the cost of subscription! :) If The Pillar has not had this proposed to them yet, I would like to submit: have you considered doing in some form an ongoing publicly-facing form of content similar to mainstream media's (I'm informed that we should be now calling them 'corporate media') "fact check" content format? This could be posted to online social media web sites, and might serve as a form of Catholic outreach, which is much needed currently. The "fact check" content could direct the public to appropriate Church teachings, documents, and interviews like this one (with appropriate attribution). I have not yet seen such a series from authoritative sources on the web - it could prove popular (and a blessing).

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So, Jesus was God...was he God at "Conceived by the Holy Spirit"...or was there a time before his ensoulment.

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"[A]ll reputable leaders and theologians in the history of the Church have always taught that abortion is a form of homicide and a serious sin."

"The Catholic Church teaches and has taught that life -- human life -- begins at conception. So the president is not demonstrating Catholic teaching in that,” Gregory said."

If only Cardinal Gregory could muster the faith and moral courage to speak clearly about President Biden instead of dissembling with such feeble distractions he might someday be known as a reputable leader.

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I greatly appreciate this article. Thank you for taking the time to clarify issues so thoroughly.

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