If you want to read the document on the Eucharist, you can find it here: https://www.usccb.org/resources/mystery-eucharist-life-church.

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The idea that receiving Christ in the Eucharist can EVER be sacrilege is to deny the fundamental role of Christ in our salvation. The "act" of receiving is the beginning of repentance.

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Whether or not it is a "canard," that the American Bishops are obsessed with life before birth to the exclusion or minimization of what comes after someone is born, it certainly is hard to escape that impression. Blame the media, I suppose, for failing to quote and report on the wide range of "seamless garment of life" activities of this group. It is a rather well-kept secret, whatever the reasons. Or maybe the "canard" has some justification. I can count on my third hand the number of times the Bishops have made news about pro-life activities other than abortion. Must be reading the wrong sources. Oh, yes, there is the news about a single bishop supporting a governor granting clemency to a death row inmate. So I guess I stand corrected.

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Can we get a direct link to the Scicluna presentation somewhere? Some of us /would/ like to watch it with rapt attention!

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