I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of Ed. Now I know 🤭

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Feb 23Liked by Ed. Condon

How could you overlook Dino de Laurentis’s “Flash Gordon?”

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God Bless Ed and JD

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With friends like JD….

Poor Ed.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Adam Bartlett (Source and Summit) was on Larry Chapp's latest video chat. He said that the word (in Latin) for "reform" is not found in SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM and that the word (in Latin) for "renewal" was found twenty times. Perhaps "reform of the reform" is an invalid frame? Instead, perhaps "renewing the renewal" is a better phrase? I think it describes the idea you discussed, that the goal is to catechize the faithful to worship God through our liturgy, making it beautiful for Him. Might be something to it :-).

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Re: "Somebody has to say no"

It seems to me, as with the "synodality", that many of the bishops do not want to bishop....

...to keep it clean (also, because I gave up swearing for Lent), it makes one ask: what good are you, bishops, if you're not willing to fulfill your jobs? There is a reason Dante had an Inferno full of bishops, cardinals, and Popes, and not just because he was a political enemy of many of them (some were his friends). Woe unto those who were given a responsibility and shirked it. Even if given only one talent...

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When I was parochial vicar at the cathedral where I live I was handed a funeral I knew nothing about - and being the busy priest I was I did not have time to research and preached a standard homily - only to later learn was for a prominent gay hairdresser and activist whose daughter later wrote to the cathedral that she was very upset that I had mentioned Christ and God because these were not things that her father was at all about - so I have some sympathy with the priest if he was indeed an overworked supply priest - and even if not ideal - I know how these things can happen!

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Feb 27Liked by JD Flynn

As a parish employee I have made the mental note to double check funerals and no funerals for apostates. Got it!

I love the canon law conversations and how to apply the law well. Great episode as usual!

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I don’t get Bishops who don’t want to say “No” to people with BS agendas who use the church as a theatre for their political stunts… seriously, it’s like abandoning your wife in the middle of a mugging. Or giving in to a screaming toddler after your wife said ‘no’. A couple married but not in unity does real damage to their kids, bishops and a church not in unity hurts their spiritual children too.

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Well said about beautiful liturgy, thanks.

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(writing down some sound bites from the final 2 minutes)

"Proper catechesis should always lead to self reflection."

"The primary reason why any of us should want liturgy to be beautiful is because it is a better thing to give to God [...] we should want to give beautiful things to God [...] Even if no one is there to be formed by it, even if it's Father Celebrant[1] there by himself, he should want the liturgy to be beautiful for God's sake."

My self-reflection, or particular examen, immediately takes the form of "how attentively am I praying the Liturgy of the Hours?" since it has the word liturgy in it and I *am* generally there by myself and the answer is certainly not what it should be if I were thinking of it as a beautiful thing to give to God.

[1] clearly an Elvish name

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