Thank you for this reporting. That is all very disturbing, particularly the change in balance of power between North and South. Thank you for helping to clear the name of Cardinal Tagle.

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Thoughts that strike me:

There seems to be a trend of papal centralization. Here, Traditionis, Syro-Malabar, Malta...

In Card. Roche's dubia responses to Traditionis, he mentioned that he views "synodality" as walking together with the Holy Father. In that view, everything Pope Francis does that consolidates control is, by definition, synodal.

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There is a lot to digest here, and a lot that is not here that may be relevant. Cardinal Tagle is pro-prefect for the Dicastery for Evangelization, which oversees the Dioceses and Pontifical Mission Societies

in the “Global South.”

Perhaps he himself perceived a conflict.

I respond to the first part of this statement with a healthy amount of skepticism, and see the last part as understatement:

“But over the years, most of those southern members grew and became solid. Management standards were elaborated and members have to comply with them. Decisions taken by the representative council — the majority of whose members are from the South — may not reflect the expectations of the donor Caritas members.”

How on earth can anyone claim that CI has any real oversight capability to assure that member organizations comply with these elaborate management standards? In some dioceses and countries the local Caritas operates like an organized crime syndicate. Paper orphans and projects purportedly run by religious sisters who never see those funds are lucrative enterprises of renegade priests. Abuse is rampant, and Tagle is ultimately charged with sorting out the chaos in places where victims rarely come forward.

I don’t pretend to understand the inner workings that brought about these sweeping changes, but until shown otherwise I welcome them.

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Another rival and potential papable decapitated for unknown and apparently capricious reasons. The Peronist pope marches forward.

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