The "maternity waiting room" populated by expectant dads is really a blast from the past. I remember that as a staple from old TV shows.

Now of course, those dads are usually in the birthing room assisting/coaching their wives in labor.

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I'm sorry, but under what (legal) circumstances would the Vatican ever pay AU$2 million to an Australian subsidiary of an American tech company??? There is absolutely no logical explanation for this that doesn't involve something underhanded, even if it was a 'legitimate' business transactions ... maybe tax avoidance, or utilising Australian tax losses, maybe even inflating/boosting an Australian balance sheet prior to a sale or merger, or possibly a rebranding to 'GoDaddy.com' ... the reason this looks fishy, is because it also smells fishy and IS fishy

btw, no Australian media is covering this with any significance ... and because it occurred with the state of Victoria (you know, the state in Australia where their police are brutally exerting their 'authority' against protesters of mandatory vaccinations ... and for science and your health), don't hold your breath for the state police or legal system to do anything given their major public failure and embarrassment with the extremely flawed case against Cdl Pell

Thanks to The Pillar for keeping hold of this bone, and I pray that the Truth will prevail very soon for all to see.

Prayers for you all, and especially for the Condon family at this time.

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Father Emil Kapaun, Servant of God, pray for us!

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