"...I delved into the biography and the writings of the founder of the SSPX, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. I thus became more and more familiar with the theological arguments, the concerns, and the objectives of the SSPX."

Yeah this is particularly troubling. Lefebvre's support of the pro-Nazi Vichy regime was deepy rooted in his own understanding of Catholicism. This is not to say that everyone involved in SSPX is necessarily a Nazi, but specifically to be attracted to Lefebvre himself and his biography and theological arguments is at least suspect.

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The present Bishop’s action and reasoning seem, to me, to be solid and solidly charitable. May the deceased Bishop rest in peace and may God bless His Church and heal all wounds.

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Pope Francis regularly meets with individuals or groups who could be accurately described as anti-Catholic, or "catholic" groups which exist solely to oppose this or that aspect of Catholic teaching. I don't see how a bishop attending a funeral for a predecessor is worse than any of that.

I suppose you could argue that two wrongs don't make a right, and that scandal is scandal, regardless of who it is and what ideology you are entertaining; that that would at least be a consistent argument that I could respect. But I think that ship has sailed at least for the foreseeable future and that these kinds of occurrences are going to be the norm going forward.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Not gonna lie. My first thought here was disappointment that this whole situation didn’t take place in, say… New York, because the episcopal actions here in contrast with Bishop Hubbard’s funeral would have been enlightening (or at the very least interesting).

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While the Old Rite retains a good deal of the liturgical patrimony of the the main Latin Church one could argue that going back to the Roman Ordines or the Franco Roman Liturgies would be even more faithful to an original Rite of the Roman Liturgy.

The quote of Bishop Huonder, "...people recognize in this liturgy the true and original worship of the Roman Church..."

This is a bit inaccurate.

Yes, as mentioned above, the Old Rite retains much of the patrimony but there is much more to the ancient Roman liturgy.

And wasn't the Tridentine Liturgy compiled from ancient (and for that time more modern) sources by a Commission?

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Still trying to figure out what the controversy is regarding. Traditionalists tend to look askance at assisting at non-Catholic religious services without grave reason (grave reasons such as funerals and weddings of people who were never Catholic), but this is a Catholic service, albeit irregular, and it's a funeral, and the typical requirement of playing no role in the actual celebration of the service was followed. Meanwhile more mainstream Catholics seem to be considerably less restrictive.

If the rule is for Catholics to strictly avoid attending SSPX, even for funerals, presumably we would make the rule at least as strict for non-Christian, Protestant, and Orthodox services & liturgies.

What am I missing here?

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Given that the Bishop didn't join the SSPX (a common misconception), I really don't see what the deal is on this one. Francis problems notwithstanding, he is still publicly in favor of reconcillation with the SSPX, despite the grumblings of some people here in the comment boxes.

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