Hmmm. I would be curious to know how things unfolded between the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Cathedral High School (who did terminate the teacher) and Brebuef Jesuit (who did not). From my recollection, the Archdiocese was notified and tried to come to a resolution with both teachers for two years before Archbishop Thompson decided to resolve it. Does the text call for specific guidelines on what that process would look like? Two years of walking with the individuals would seem to apply as a "process of deliberation" as you state JD.

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Will this instruction apply to the now ongoing situation with Catholic Memorial HS and cardinal O’Malley?

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As I recall, religious orders operate in a diocese by the permission of the bishop. If the Jesuits continue to resist the authority of the archbishop in this case, is it possible (whether or not it's likely) that there could be no more Jesuits in the archdiocese?

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My understanding of the role of parents in school decision-making in my neck of the woods (Ohio) is that for many years parents pressured Catholic schools to be LESS Catholic. When my children, now in their mid-20s, began attending Catholic schools, this was changing. More parents, to the surprise of principals and priests at the time, were expecting a "Catholic identity" that was more than a prayer table in each classroom (often accompanying some very unusual "prayers") the occasional Mass, and a service project or two. Priests and administrators I spoke to told me that they were used to parents wanting academics to be the top priority, and wanting the "Catholic" things played down. They were insulted at the idea of parents homeschooling because the schools "weren't Catholic enough" -- rather than wondering if they might have a point. Giving parents more of a say isn't necessarily a good thing.

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We preferred not to send our son to a catholic high school, because the school was not very, well, catholic. Good school otherwise.

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