WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS STOP!!! The world MUST conform to Christ, not they other way around! Is this another example of Tutti Fruitti?

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The world WILL conform to Christ in the fullness of time; that's when the madness will end. Until then we have the opportunity to choose Christ or not; to choose life or our own destruction. Until then, our responsibility is to help them to choose Christ and life.

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How ignorant can some members of the

K of C be? (Notice the word "some.")

If the Mass is held in a Masonic building they not only don't know the basics of their organizational history but also their Faith.

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Seems K of C has had some hiccups lately. A bit worrisome and perhaps something to keep an eye on?

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Makes me wonder if the same guys who approved Mass in a Masonic lodge are the same ones who bought into Rupnik's art.

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That was what I was thinking. I did read this morning in The Pillar they think it might be more a oversight than bad intent. Sounds reasonable but then again buying into Rupnik’s art was not done with bad intent but it still raises eyebrows and, at least for me, makes me concerned.

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And the new modern regalia for 4th-degree Knights, which every one I've ever met hates.

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The KofC are not immune from the infiltration of Modernism any more than the RC Church hierarchy is. Add to that this climate of not wanting to offend anyone or to upset folks by adhering to a principles moral stand out of fear you may appear uncaring or lacking compassion, and you get what we're witnessing in ND.

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Some would say that the Knights of Columbus is an insurance company with a charity program on the side. Or even that it is a beer drinking, cigar smoking, golf club with a little piety thrown in.

Well, the regional, state and national officers are generally better catechized, but the rank and file … not so much.

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Every time I get pitched on KC, the sole reason given for joining is insurance. Every. Time.

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There is a SSPX chapel near me that is in a FORMER Masonic Temple, which still seems weird to me. I've never been in it (of course), but I assume they've made some changes.

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