This output from Poland is certainly of more substance and more useful than the wishy washy "inclusion" piffle we have seen from elsewhere, e.g. Australia.

That said, I am surprised that the participation rate is still so very low even in a country which (by today's standards, at least) is considered strongly Catholic.

Just as, for example, a census is considered worthless if it does not achieve a certain participation rate, (see the recent census debacle in Scotland), it is difficult to see how this synod will have any credibility.

Perhaps the main thing to come out of it is the obvious fact that most Catholics are disenfranchised from the current Pontificate and it's initiatives.

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It’s also I think the blowback form being a communist country and overconfidence on the part of the Polish Church after the successful resistance to communism are all coming back to bite hard. The aggressive atheism of the communist state sowed more than enough seeds to be bearing a bitter fruit now. Opportunities we missed by the average clergy and bishops to seek out and rebuild the Church properly. Had John Paul II remained archbishop of Krakow I think we’d see a very different polish church.

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