Grateful for your reporting on this terrible, but important story JD. Was wondering if you know more/could write more about the "Polish connection" in this case.

How does Cardinal Dziwisz fit into this? His involvement in other abuses cases (notable Maciel and Groër)? Will there be a Vos Estis investigation of him? Are there any Polish victims? Is "exporting" problematic clerics and seminarians a common practice?

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That Christmas card without Christ is deeply, deeply creepy.

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"...makes nearly certain that the Holy See will not be forthcoming about the results of its own investigation into the bishop, which began last year. " Now there's a surprise. Keep after it guys.

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What's so wrong and corrupt with the nuncio and the Holy See? No matter how scandalous the story, nothing ever gets investigated?? And what the nuncio said , I believe wholeheartedly! He does that to Every GUILTY bishop!....The more evil the crime, the better he reassures them! Its so disheartening to read! Jesus please rid us of these crooks!

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