What in the world could go wrong???

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"Noting “concern” about “the state of preaching in the Church in Australia,” a draft motion proposes requesting a dispensation from the Vatican that would allow laypeople to preach homilies during Mass — a form of preaching limited by canon law to priests or deacons."

"At the same time, the framework affirms the need to better educate the faithful to serve as missionary witnesses to the truth of Church teaching on a range of pastorally sensitive issues."

My experience with lay homily preaching back in the '80s before it was quashed suggests that these two items are contradictory. Much of the lay preaching, that which wasn't emotional dribble, was at odds with clear Church teaching; that was frequently why they wanted to preach, though sometimes they had no idea what the Church teaches. Then again, the clerical preaching in that parish sometimes went that way.

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Hard pass

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I know how popular the 3rd rite of Reconciliation is when it was 'tolerated' until a few years ago. People do want to come to the Sacrament, but it is too daunting for many. If it pleases the Holy Spirit, I would really love to see it allowed maybe once a year. I know it would mean many of us could invite lost sheep into the doors of the Church.

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I am happy to start scheduling two Sunday services. One will have sappy music and sappy preaching and people will eat bread and drink grape juice and all sins will be forgiven by crumpling up a list of sins and throwing them into the trash. The second will be a Mass where we will sing the entire 2000 year repertoire and I will preach the faith and we will eat the Body of Christ and drink his Blood having confessed our sins individually to a priest. People can attend either service they wish. Also, the first service will be held at the local mainline Protestant church.

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