- Covered up sex abuse for decades

- Helped further the careers of Maciel and McCarrick

- Defended the Pinochet regime and its murder of dissidents

- Probably was at least partially responsible for the delay in the cause of St. Oscar Romero

- In spite of all the above, cozied up to Communist regimes in Eastern Europe and Asia and fiercely defended Ostpolitik

- Never apologized for any of this or admitted to wrong-doing.

Woof. Pray for Cardinal Sodano. He needs it.

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Semi-related topic to us pedantics: since when did the word placement order of the title "Cardinal" change in reportage? In my wayward youth it would always be "Avery Cardinal Dulles" did this, etc. I always thought that was odd, but learned to accept it as an endearing eccentricity. But now all of a sudden (abruptly to me anyway) every reference (including the above report) places the man's title before the first name. Cardinal Wilton Gregory, etc.

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Reqiuem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.

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