God bless the people behind the Pillar for publishing this document. I am reading it through carefully and the first 27 pages are absolutely fabulous. I have interrupted my reading only to tell you that the version on Scribd is missing a page that should go between what are now pp. 27 and 28. I am so grateful to the people who put so much work into this document and really am just heartbroken that this guidance with regard to persons experiencing incongruity with their sexual identity was not made available four years ago. The toll that this has taken on individuals and families and people trying to minister to them in this country is incalculable. Confusion about "gender identity" has simply exploded in the last four years and it is really unbelievable to me that the light of this document has been kept under a basket.

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Thank you to those who leaked this. I myself recently tried to raise the issue of this document with my bishop and advocate we need guidance! I also very much like and appreciate as immediately needed and appropriate the document about gender theory put out in Wisconsin!!! Thank you to those bishops who are trying to teach about this topic.

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Is it possible that they sat on this because if they released it, it might throw some cold water on the Synod? And bring the German Church even closer to the brink of formal schism?

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I think it’s correct that the CDF should release a document clarifying doctrine before the USCCB releases one on pastoral guidance based on that doctrine, otherwise the guidance will appear arbitrary. The Vatican needs to address the various claims being made (sex is mutable, there are more than two sexes, sex is a spectrum, sex and gender are independent, gender is an identity, sex is a social construct, gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder, genotype is the sole basis for biological sex, etc.). Maybe the USCCB can submit to the CDF a series of yes or no questions?

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