I would give quite a lot to be allowed to eat meat on Friday 18th - it's my 70th birthday...

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My fear is this whole synodal "listening" thing is a way to make the Church a democracy...What does everyone want to do? New modern sexuality ideas, inclusiveness of any/all lifestyle choices, revamping of priesthood to make it more inclusive, acceptance of any/all religions as a way to heaven, dropping this whole "real presence" thing, drop mandatory church attendance, make the church more fun and less restrictive and rigid, etc. etc. etc.

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I participated in a Synodal meeting at our parish and it was very confusing. The parish representatives did their best, but acknowledged it being dis-jointed. The questions and workbook reminded me of religion class/CCD in the 1970’s, rather aimless with a lot of emphasis on feeling and experience (maybe that was the point?). At times everyone in the room struggled to understand exactly what the questions were asking. Other comments were that it wasn’t well thought out and seemed put together at the last minute.

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I am very fearful that this process will result in mass confusion, with various national conferences of bishops moving in different directions, as witnessed in Germany. Perhaps in the end we will see a 3rd Vatican Council to make sense of it all!

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In Newman's "Arians of the Fourth Century" there appears this comment on synods from Saint Gregory of Nazianzus:"If I must speak the truth, I feel disposed to shun every conference of bishops; because I never saw a Synod brought to a happy issue, nor remedying, but rather increasing, existing evils. For ever is there rivalry and ambition, and these have the mastery of reason." Mary Ann Glendon

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My observation of the synodal way has revealed to me the total lack of spiritual depth of we catholics....there is much superficiality in people....no deep conviction of the truths in the Bible (sacred scripture) and the knowledge of our catechism...a lack of deep relationship with Jesus our lord and therefore seduced by our culture ..not many strong leaders amongst ou r bishops hence the confusion....the synod is to listen to the voice of the holy spirit first and discern what the lord is saying to the church then listen to each other....I suspect many catholics don.t know how to do that...therefore we get the German path very sinister at its core....thankfully others are listening to the holy spirit and the German bishops will go it alone and end up in heresy and then schism...pope Francis needs to be more forthcoming.. we all need to pray and fast this listen season...

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Should have been 12 Catholic schools. Bellarmine in Louisville won its league tournament but could not go to the NCAA tourney because it had only moved up from division 2 two years ago. They won the Div 2 championship a few years ago.

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