"I think every clergyman should have a basic knowledge of psychology because it is important not to ‘spiritualize’ in those situations where a person needs professional psychological help." Says Sister Theodora

"A seminary produces ministers of the sacraments, perhaps a good preacher and confessor. But no seminary in the world produces spiritual Guides." says Father Stanchyshyn

Many people think that every priest should have a basic knowledge of their pet topic, whether it is those who think every priest should have mini-MBAs or mini-B.A in Psych or speak every language, including sign language, or play sports well. Even if somewhere there is such an amazing priest, shall we allow no man to be ordained until 30 years of education is complete?

This is a kind of insanity that comes from not really believing in the Church. The Church has Father Stanchyshyn and Sister Theodora, thanks be to God. But do not expect that every single priest will be more than a minister of the sacraments and a good preacher and confessor, as if that were not enough.

It is always possible to be disappointed in a new pastor because he does not have all of the gifts of the last pastor or all of the gifts (combined in one person) of the priests on youtube. Instead let us be thankful wherever we see God at work in each individual member of the Church.

"If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell?"

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As I watch and read all that is happening in the Ukraine these long months from the comfort of my office, my heart just breaks. As I write homilies about the Trinity, Corpus Christi, and the week's scriptures for my congregation, I have been haunted by what these priests are doing, writing, saying in the midst of such cruelty and violence. I think of the Good Samaritan getting blown up by an IED as he leans in to help...

I really appreciate the depth of this reporting and it's focus. I know folks can be down on "thoughts and prayers," but they are an excellent start.


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