Not to downplay the more serious allegations, but all those "gifts" make me wonder if they were reported to the IRS. Not all of it is taxable, but I would imagine a good part of it is. And companies get in trouble for giving employees "gifts" without realizing that's taxable and so they don't report it, especially in a situation like this where you have a high-level official seemingly overriding normal controls to direct funds towards people he likes.

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wow. the list of articles at the end--just wow. I could either see this as someone actually trying to report things to keep bishops accountable as they don't have a real "boss" (how I see it). Or could be seen as a witch hunt against a bishop you disagree with. May the truth come out and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide the church in all her ways.

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The only reaction to Sitka and these stories is: Wtf?!

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I had to read the article twice. The assault on the St Meinrad seminarian happened at the bishop’s HOUSE?? That’s gutsy. Also, “birthday expenses”?

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This gives important, necessary insight into the wider question of how grave abuse of all sorts got to thrive in the Church for so long. Makes my blood boil to be honest.

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This is a very long train wreck of a very long train. I reckon that I am going to go pray a Divine Mercy chaplet (as one does.)

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Ahhh, its very clear what going on now. The good bishop is running cover for his live-in boyfriend. I suppose you make a very good sugar daddy when you have the collective funds of the faithful to spend.

This is reminiscent of the “Nighty-Night Baby” incident with Cardinal Tobin. Some random man inexplicably lived with the bishop, all while getting lavished with gifts. And they think we’re stupid enough to believe their excuses.

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Sexual assault is a “boundary issue”? Hardly.

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I am confused, the church has voiced contrition with not addressing historical abuses and yet current cases are not being immediately addressed? Is there nothing in the law that speaks to an immediacy/timeline to address these alligations?

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After reading your article, I am so disappointed in Bishop Stika and his handling of this situation. Sad. Praying for all involved.

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Sitka must go. The Church needs holy and bold leaders. Sitka is a weak man. He displays, at best, very poor judgment. At worst, he is afraid of the former seminarian because of what the former seminarian knows. This must end.

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This goes on . All parties still in place and an entire diocese where I live deals with the loss of a good,holy priest accused of “ boundary sues “ by a bishop who cannot admit he is in error. Laughable if it were not so sad!

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