Feb 26, 2021Liked by JD Flynn

I love the last line on that Princeton page about JD: "Also, he didn’t go to Princeton, so you guys obviously worked harder in high school than he did."

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Thank you for demonstrating what journalistic integrity and Catholic courage look like. I’ve encouraged my children to look you up and subscribe. I am saddened to think that the majority of people thing that Biden's horrible example reinforces the opinion that the Eucharist is merely a symbol. We believe nothing of the sort over here in Pa. Having lived in close proximity to the Bidens, we know what and who they are and think none of them should be receiving the sacrament. I love the “ remember that thou art dust” LOL My favorite Lenten line.Carry on and well done.

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Thank you for yet another excellent piece. This: “No one envies a bishop the inevitable criticism he would face for denying a sitting president the sacrament, and he would certainly be accused of “politicizing” Communion. But, the truth is, by refusing to apply the Church’s clear instruction, Communion is being politicized: The teaching of the Catechism, the discipline of canon law, and the pastoral priority of preventing a Catholic doing themselves serious spiritual harm are all being set aside out of explicitly political concerns.” A perfect summary of the situation.

I also appreciated your reflection on Lent and the call to arms to do our part to repair the Body of Christ, even if only by fighting the good fight in the little place of my own life and my own heart.

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Perhaps it is the Church that is confused. According to scripture Jesus never considered abortion as an evil worth mentioning. Jesus was a Jew and his fellow Jews considered human life to begin at first breath and until that breath the fetus was another part of the mother. Termination of a pregnancy before that breath was not considered an evil and Christ seems to have had no qualms about accepting that belief. So when and how did the Church come to disagree with God as to the beginning of human life? Being a human at conception is ludicrus because that cell may become one, two, three, or more eventual humans over the next few weeks. There is no theological basis for the current Church stand on abortion. If the Church was able to accept the view that Christ obviously did about the beginning of humanity but limit abortion to the months when the fetus is not viable outside the mother it would be more in line with the thinking of God than the current teaching and allow the Church to concentrate on what Jesus Christ taught was most important.

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Ed. Condon

What's the "full stop" after "Ed" doing?

Does it indicate an abbreviation of "Edward?" Perhaps "Editor?"

Is it some monstrosity imposed by the AP style guide?!?

These are the questions that keep Pillarites up at night.

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