I always assumed that rose-not-pink just meant "even though the words are basically interchangeable in English, rose is cognate with the Latin word and pink is not, so that's the word we use in liturgically." In fact, at Gaudete Sunday last year (our present liturgical year), I took an informal poll on social media to see if anyone could name anything other than vestments that was rose-not-pink. We came up with rose wine, rosy cheeks, and rosy fingered dawn, and that was about it. Everything else could be called pink just as easily. All this to say, thanks for linking to the explainer!

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Dear reader,

Due to a process error (my own process error, to be clear) we published this before we had completed editing the copy. I thought it was ready, and it wasn't ready, and then we published it -- with numerous typographical errors, even more than is typical for us.

I apologize for that. No one should have to look at sloppy copy. Especially readers as discerning as The Pillar's subscribers.

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In a church we visited for vigil mass, the priest left out any creed (we said neither Nicene or Apostle's) and specifically said it was because our initiate was not yet in full communion with the church.

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